Minecraft 原版游戏的新机制。
1.18 - 1.20.4
1.20.5 - 1.20.6
1.21 - 1.20.4
点击展开/折叠 命令别名:
- /disenchantment
- /disenchant
- enable - 可以从物品中删除附魔。
- keep - 附魔保留在物品上。
- delete - 附魔从物品中移除并销毁。
- cancel - 取消整个幻灭过程。
- /disenchantment - 帮助页面 1
- /disenchantment help [<1,...,8>] - 帮助页面 1-8
- /disenchantment gui - 打开 GUI 以进行 disenchantment 配置。
- /disenchantment status - 显示插件是启用还是禁用。
- /disenchantment toggle - 打开/关闭插件。
- /disenchantment disenchant:enchantments - 显示当前用于幻灭的附魔设置列表。
- /disenchantment disenchant:enchantments [enchantment] ['enable', 'keep', 'delete', 'cancel'] - 更改已禁用附魔的配置。
- /disenchantment disenchant:worlds - 显示当前用于 disenchantion 的禁用世界列表。
- /disenchantment disenchant:worlds [world] - 切换特定世界以启用/禁用幻灭。
- /disenchantment disenchant:materials - 显示当前用于 Disenchantion 的禁用材料列表。
- /disenchantment disenchant:materials [material] - 切换特定材质以启用/禁用幻灭。
- /disenchantment disenchant:repair - 显示幻灭的修复成本的当前配置。
- /disenchantment disenchant:repair ['enable', 'disable'] - 启用/禁用维修费用。
- /disenchantment disenchant:repair reset ['enable', 'disable'] - 启用/禁用幻灭后修复费用重置为 0。
- /disenchantment disenchant:repair base [int] - 更改基本维修费用的值。
- /disenchantment disenchant:repair multiply [float] - 更改 repair cost 的乘法值。
- /disenchantment disenchant:sound - 显示 anvil 声音的当前配置,以消除幻想。
- /disenchantment disenchant:sound ['enable', 'disable'] - 启用/禁用 anvil 声音。
- /disenchantment disenchant:sound volume [float] - 更改 anvil 音量的值。
- /disenchantment disenchant:sound pitch [float] - 更改 anvil 音高的值。
- /disenchantment shatter:enchantments - 显示 shatterment 的当前附魔设置列表。
- /disenchantment shatter:enchantments [enchantment] ['enable', 'keep', 'delete', 'cancel'] - 更改已禁用附魔的配置。
- /disenchantment shatter:worlds - 显示当前被禁用的破碎世界列表。
- /disenchantment shatter:worlds [world] - 切换特定世界以启用/禁用 shatterment。
- /disenchantment shatter:repair - 显示 shatterment 修复成本的当前配置。
- /disenchantment shatter:repair ['enable', 'disable'] - 启用/禁用维修费用。
- /disenchantment shatter:repair reset ['enable', 'disable'] - 启用/禁用在破碎后将修复成本重置为 0。
- /disenchantment shatter:repair base [int] - 更改基本维修费用的值。
- /disenchantment shatter:repair multiply [float] - 更改 repair cost 的乘法值。
- /disenchantment shatter:sound - 显示 shatterment 的铁砧声音的当前配置。
- /disenchantment shatter:sound ['enable', 'disable'] - 启用/禁用 anvil 声音。
- /disenchantment shatter:sound volume [float] - 更改 anvil 音量的值。
- /disenchantment shatter:sound pitch [float] - 更改 anvil 音高的值。
点击展开/折叠 - disenchantment.all:
- description: Access to everything/all permissions.
- default: op
- disenchantment.anvil.all:
- description: Allows the player to disenchant items or shatter books.
- default: op
- disenchantment.anvil.disenchant:
- description: Allows the player to disenchant items.
- default: op
- disenchantment.anvil.shatter:
- description: Allows the player to split enchantments from books.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.use:
- description: Access to the disenchantment command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.all:
- description: Access to every command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.gui:
- description: Access to the gui command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.help:
- description: Access to the help command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.status:
- description: Access to the status command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.toggle:
- description: Access to the toggle command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.disenchant.enchantments:
- description: Access to the disenchant enchantments command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.disenchant.worlds:
- description: Access to the disenchant worlds command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.disenchant.materials:
- description: Access to the disenchant materials command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.disenchant.repair:
- description: Access to the disenchant repair command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.disenchant.sound:
- description: Access to the disenchant sound command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.shatter.enchantments:
- description: Access to the shatter enchantments command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.shatter.worlds:
- description: Access to the shatter worlds command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.shatter.repair:
- description: Access to the shatter repair command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.command.shatter.sound:
- description: Access to the shatter sound command.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui:
- description: Allows the player to open the GUI.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.all:
- description: Allows the player to access all GUI settings.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.status:
- description: Allows the player to see the status of the plugin.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.worlds:
- description: Allows the player to set the anvil worlds.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.enchantments:
- description: Allows the player to set the anvil enchantments.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.materials:
- description: Allows the player to set the anvil materials.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.disenchant.repair:
- description: Allows the player to set the disenchant repair settings.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.disenchant.sound:
- description: Allows the player to set the disenchant sound settings.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.shatter.repair:
- description: Allows the player to set the shatter repair settings.
- default: op
- disenchantment.gui.shatter.sound:
- description: Allows the player to set the shatter sound settings.
- default: op
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the plugin
- enabled: true
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- disenchantment:
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the disenchantment feature
- enabled: true
- # List<String> - List of worlds where the disenchantment is disabled
- disabled-worlds: [ ]
- # List<String> - List of materials that are not allowed to be disenchanted
- disabled-materials: [ ]
- # List<String> - List of enchantments states for how they should be handled
- # Format is: "enchantment:keep" or "enchantment:disabled"
- # Keep = Do not remove the enchantment from the item
- # Disabled = Do not proceed with the disenchantment if the enchantment is present
- enchantments-states: [ ]
- anvil:
- sound:
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the anvil sound
- enabled: true
- # Double - Edit the volume and pitch of the anvil sound
- volume: 1.0
- pitch: 1.0
- repair:
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost reset back to 0 when the item is disenchanted
- reset: false
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost
- cost: true
- # Double - Base value for the cost of the disenchantment
- base: 10
- # Double - This multiplication is applied to the base value
- # The enchantments are sorted by level in descending order, so the more enchantments you have, the more expensive it is
- # Multiplication value from 0 to [max int value] (0.25 = 25%)
- #
- # It is calculated by the following:
- # base + (level * multiply)
- #
- # Example: base = 10, sharpness = 5, fire_aspect = 1, multiplier = 0.25
- #
- # 10 + (1 * 1) = 11 -> 11 + (5 * 1.25) = 17.25 -> 17.25
- multiply: 0.25
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- shatterment:
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the shatterment feature
- enabled: true
- # List<String> - List of worlds where the shatterment is disabled
- disabled-worlds: [ ]
- # List<String> - List of enchantments states for how they should be handled
- # Format is: "enchantment:keep" or "enchantment:disabled"
- # Keep = Do not remove the enchantment from the item
- # Disabled = Do not proceed with the disenchantment if the enchantment is present
- enchantments-states: [ ]
- anvil:
- sound:
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the anvil sound
- enabled: true
- # Double - Edit the volume and pitch of the anvil sound
- volume: 1.0
- pitch: 1.0
- repair:
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost reset back to 0 when the item is disenchanted
- reset: false
- # Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost
- cost: true
- # Double - Base value for the cost of the shatterment
- base: 10
- # Double - This multiplication is applied to the base value
- # The enchantments are sorted by level in descending order, so the more enchantments you have, the more expensive it is
- # Multiplication value from 0 to [max int value] (0.25 = 25%)
- #
- # It is calculated by the following:
- # base + (level * multiply)
- #
- # Example: base = 10, sharpness = 5, fire_aspect = 1, multiplier = 0.25
- #
- # 10 + (1 * 1) = 11 -> 11 + (5 * 1.25) = 17.25 -> 17.25
- multiply: 0.25
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